              # SccsId[] = "%W% (USL function) %G%"
              if [ ".${SECONDS}" = "." ]; then # Bourne function already loaded?
                 [ ."`set|egrep '^$VD_name\(\)\{$'`" != . ] && VD_loaded=1
              else # Korn or Bash shell and function already loaded?
                 if [ `expr "\`uname -s\`" : "[Ll][Ii][Nn][Uu][Xx]"` -eq 0 ]; then
                    [ ."`typeset +f|awk '/^'$VD_name'[=\(]?/'`" != . ] && VD_loaded=1
                 else # Linux
                    [ ."`typeset -F|awk '/^'$VD_name'[=\(]?/'`" != . ] && VD_loaded=1
              if [ 0${VD_loaded} -eq 0 ]; then
              VALIDATE_DATE() # Function documentation located at bottom.            #
              { [ ."${AWK}" = . ] && { { [ -x /usr/bin/nawk ] && AWK=/usr/bin/nawk; } \
                                  ||   { [ -x /bin/gawk     ] && AWK=/bin/gawk    ; } \
                                  ||   { [ -x /usr/bin/awk  ] && AWK=/usr/bin/awk ; }; }

                # If the following variables are not set, use these defaults.#
                : ${script_name:=`basename $0`}
                : ${sp:="                    "}

                VD_errmsg=`$AWK -v sp="$sp"                   \
                                -v VD_name="$VD_name"         \
                                -v script_name="$script_name" \
                  'BEGIN \
                   { # Parse options and args (options must come before args).
                     if (ARGC >= 3)
                        form_arg = tolower(ARGV[ARGC-1]) # Last arg
                        date_arg = tolower(ARGV[ARGC-2]) # Next to last arg
                        for (n = 1; n < ARGC-2; n++)
                          if (ARGV[n] == "-l")
                            lo_yyyy = ARGV[n+1]
                          else if (ARGV[n] == "-h")
                            hi_yyyy = ARGV[n+1]
                       exit_usage(2,"Insufficient args!")

                     # Strip punctuation from date, keeping only digits.   #
                     date_arg = substr(date_arg,RSTART,RLENGTH)
                     gsub(/[\055\057]/,"",date_arg) # Remove slashes and dashes

                     # date_arg is null if it has any invalid characters.  #
                     if (date_arg == "")
                       exit_usage(2,"Non-numeric characters in date ("date_arg")!")

                     # Strip punctuation from form, keeping only a-z chars.#

                     if      (form_arg == "yyyymmdd") # Validate date form:
                     {                                # yyyymmdd or mmmmddyy
                       yyyy = substr(date_arg,1,4)    # (form_arg tells us how
                       mm   = substr(date_arg,5,2)    # to parse the date_arg).
                       dd   = substr(date_arg,7,2)    # If it does not match
                     }                                # yyyymmdd or mmddyyyy,
                     else if (form_arg == "mmddyyyy") # we will fuss at the
                     {                                # user and exit.  If it
                       yyyy = substr(date_arg,5,4)    # matches one or the
                       mm   = substr(date_arg,1,2)    # other, we will parse
                       dd   = substr(date_arg,3,2)    # out mm, dd, and yyyy
                     }                                # accordingly.
                     else # Bad form--neither yyyymmdd nor mmddyyyy
                       exit_usage(2,"Invalid date form ($2="ARGV[2]")!")

                     # Default low is 10 years ago; high is 35 years hence.#
                     "date +%Y" | getline curr_yyyy # Current year
                     if (lo_yyyy == "") lo_yyyy = curr_yyyy-10
                     if (hi_yyyy == "") hi_yyyy = curr_yyyy+30

                     # Low range year cannot exceed high range year. #
                     if (lo_yyyy > hi_yyyy)
                       exit_usage(2,"Low year ("lo_yyyy") exceeds high ("hi_yyyy")!")

                     # Year must fall within year range              #
                     if (yyyy < lo_yyyy || yyyy > hi_yyyy)
                       exit_usage(1,yyyy" outside of range ("lo_yyyy"-"hi_yyyy")!")

                     # Set up month_table array for error reporting. #
                     split("January February March"     \
                           "April   May      June "     \
                           "July    August   September" \
                           "October November December", month_table)

                     # Parse and validate the date.                  #
                     if (mm==1||mm==3||mm==5||mm==7||mm==8||mm==10||mm==12)
                     else if (mm==4||mm==6||mm==9||mm==11)
                     else if (mm==2)
                       mm_days=((yyyy%4==0 && yyyy%100!=0) || (yyyy%400==0)) ? 29 : 28
                       exit_usage(1,mm" is an invalid month number!")

                     if (dd > mm_days)
                       exit_usage(1,"Day "dd" invalid for "month_table[mm]", "yyyy"!")

                     exit 0
                   } # End BEGIN (AWK initialization section)

                   function exit_usage(STATUS,MSG)
                   { print sp""MSG,"\n"                                       ,
                      "\n"sp"Usage: "VD_name" [-l yyyy] [-h yyyy] date form\n",
                      "\n"sp"    -l yyyy = lowest valid year.\n"              ,
                      "\n"sp"    -h yyyy = highest valid year."               ,
                      "\n"sp"    \047date\047  = the date to be formatted"    ,
                      "\n"sp"    \047form\047  = one of the following:"       ,
                      "\n"sp"                 mm[-/]dd[-/]yyyy"               ,
                      "\n"sp"                 yyyy[-/]mm[-/]dd"               ,
                      "\n"sp"                 yyyymmdd"                       ,
                      "\n"sp"                 mmddyyyy\n"
                     exit STATUS
                   }' $*`

                [ $VD_status -eq 0 ] && return 0 # Ahh, the sweet smell of success

                # Reaching here means something is amiss.  #
                if [ .${SHLIB} = . ]; then SHLIB=/usr/local/scripts; export SHLIB; fi

                . $SHLIB/email_msg.sh # Function dependency


                EMAIL_MSG "ERROR: $VD_ID" \

                return $VD_status
              } # "VD_" prefix identifies this function's variables

              #                       D O C U M E N T A T I O N                      #
              #                                                                      #
              #      Author: Bob Orlando                                             #
              #                                                                      #
              #        Date: January 14, 1997                                        #
              #                                                                      #
              #  Program ID: validate_date.sh                                        #
              #                                                                      #
              #       Usage: VALIDATE_DATE [-l yyyy [-h yyyy]] date form             #
              #                   Where 'date' is the date to be formatted           #
              #                     and 'form' is one of the following:              #
              #                                   mm[-/]dd[-/]yyyy                   #
              #                                   yyyy[-/]mm[-/]dd                   #
              #                                   yyyymmdd                           #
              #                                   mmddyyyy                           #
              #                                                                      #
              #     Options: -l represents the lowest  (yyyy) acceptable year        #
              #                 (defaults to 10 years past)                          #
              #              -h represents the highest (yyyy) acceptable year        #
              #                 (defaults to 30 years future).                       #
              #                                                                      #
              #     Purpose: Validate the given date given according to the          #
              #              template provided along with it.                        #
              #                                                                      #
              #     Globals: No global variables are assigned in this function.      #
              #              "VD_" prefix identifies local function variables.       #
              #                                                                      #
              # Exit_status: Failure (1) for error (e.g. user supplies an invalid    #
              #              argument or the date is invalid).  Otherwise returns    #
              #              success indicating that the date is OK.                 #
              #                                                                      #
              #       Calls: EMAIL_MSG library function.                             #
              #                                                                      #
              #       Notes: ....................................................    #
              #              ....................................................    #
              #                                                                      #
              #    Modified: 2004-04-02 Bob Orlando                                  #
              #                 v1.9  * Expand $AWK testing and assignment.          #
              #                                                                      #
              #              2004-03-03 Bob Orlando                                  #
              #                 v1.8  * Change set|egrep|awk to just set|egrep.      #
              #                                                                      #
Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
©Copyright Bob Orlando, 1997-2011
All rights reserved.
E-mail: Bob@OrlandoKuntao.com
Last update: Jan. 26, 2011
by Bob Orlando