#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
                # SccsId[] = "%W% (Perl user module) %G%"
                #                            Print_hash.pm                             #
                # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
                #   Function documentation located at the bottom (follows __END__).    #
                  package Print_hash;

                  use strict;
                  use Exporter;

                # use lib "$ENV{HOME}/perl_usr_lib"; ## T E S T ##
                  use lib "/usr/local/perl_usr_lib"; ## Host's function library

                  use EXIT;
                  use Echo;
                  use Email;
                  use Interactive;

                  use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
                  @ISA       = qw(Exporter); # Inheritance Specifier Array
                  @EXPORT    = qw(print_hash);
                # @EXPORT_OK = qw();

                sub print_hash # Expects hash name (e.g. "\%par [, ..]").              #
                  my $fn_name = "print_hash";
                  use POSIX qw(uname);
                  my $host =  (uname)[1];
                  my $opt_x=0; ($opt_x, @_) = @_ if ($_[0] eq '-x'); # Function option.
                  my $progID;
                     $progID = (defined($main::progID)) ? $main::progID : $0;
                  my $opt_v  ;
                     $opt_v  = (defined($main::opt_v )) ? $main::opt_v  :  0;

                  local $_; # Saves $_ and restores it on subroutine exit.

                  my $surname  = "\U$host\E $progID:$fn_name()";
                  my $fn_usage = "Usage: $fn_name(\\\%hashname)!\n";
                  my $args     = @_;
                  my $msg      ;
                  my $sp       = ' ' x 20; # Spaces

                  my $notify;
                  if    (defined($main::notify )) { $notify = $main::notify  }
                  elsif (defined($main::support)) { $notify = $main::support }
                  elsif (defined($ENV{LOGNAME} )) { $notify = $ENV{LOGNAME}  }
                  else                            { $notify = $ENV{USER}     }

                  echo("Printing hash.\n") if ($opt_v);
                  if ($args < 1)
                    $msg = "${sp}$surname Insufficient args!\n${sp}$fn_usage\n";
                    if (interactive())
                      { print "$msg"; }
                      { email("$surname", "$msg", $notify); }
                    ($opt_x) && EXIT(1) || return 0;

                  my $m  = 0;
                  my $n  = 0;
                  my $hash;
                  my ($key, $value); # These two are meant for each other ;)

                  # First, find length of longest key in all hashes given to us. #
                  foreach (@_)
                    $hash = $_;
                    while (($key, $value) = each %{$hash})
                      $m = length("$key");  # Length of current key
                      $n = $m if ($n < $m); # Compare to longest thus far.

                  # Using the length value assigned to $n (above), #
                  # print a list of hash keys and values.          #
                  foreach (@_)
                    $hash = $_;
                    while (($key, $value) = each %{$hash})
                      printf("${sp}%-$n.${n}s = %s\n", "$key", "$value");
                   return 1;
                } # sub print_hash


                =head1 NAME

                 print_hash - print tabular list of keys and values.

                =head1 SYNOPSIS

                 print_hash(['-x',] \%hashname, ...);

                =head1 EXAMPLE

                 echo("\%par and \%logins hash arrays:\n");
                 print_hash(\%par, \%logins);

                =head1 DESCRIPTION

                 Print an indented (20 spaces) tabular list of keys and
                 contents like the following:

                   2001-04-19 13:14:38 %par and %logins hash arrays:
                                       notify      = Bob@OrlandoKuntao.com # From %par
                                       support     = Orlando@wherever.com  #  ''   ''
                                       working_dir = /gcchome/orlando      #  ''   ''
                                       Orlando     = Stoopid!              # True :)

                 Key (name) column self-adjusts to sufficient width to
                 accommodate the widest variable name.

                =head1 RETURNS

                 Returns 1 on success.
                      or 0 on error.

                 Optionally (-x option), exits with '1' status on error.

                =head1 GLOBAL VARIABLES

                 $main::progID  - Program name.
                 $main::notify  - Who ya gonna call?
                 $main::support - In case $main::notify is undefined.

                =head1 AUTHOR

                 Bob Orlando (Bob@OrlandoKuntao.com www.OrlandoKuntao.com)

                =head1 DATE/VERSION

                 %G% / %I%

                =head1 HISTORY

                 2002-09-03 Bob Orlando
                    v1.3  * Add 'use lib "$ENV{HOME}/perl_usr_lib";'
                            for development Perl macro library (it is
                            commented out for production in favor of
                            'use lib "/usr/local/perl_usr_lib";'.

                 2002-05-13 Bob Orlando
                    v1.2  * Change
                               echo("Printing hash.\n");
                               echo("Printing hash.\n") if ($opt_v);

                 2001-06-06 Bob Orlando
                    v1.1  * Initial release.

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
©Copyright Bob Orlando, 2002-2011
All rights reserved.
E-mail: Bob@OrlandoKuntao.com
Last update: Mar. 29, 2011
by Bob Orlando