# SccsId[] = "%W% (USL function) %G%"
              if [ ".${SECONDS}" = "." ]; then # Bourne function already loaded?
                 [ ."`set|egrep '^$CBD_name\(\)\{$'`" != . ] && CBD_loaded=1
              else # Korn or Bash shell and function already loaded?
                 if [ `expr "\`uname -s\`" : "[Ll][Ii][Nn][Uu][Xx]"` -eq 0 ]; then
                    [ ."`typeset +f|awk '/^'$CBD_name'[=\(]?/'`" != . ] && CBD_loaded=1
                 else # Linux
                    [ ."`typeset -F|awk '/^'$CBD_name'[=\(]?/'`" != . ] && CBD_loaded=1
              if [ 0${CBD_loaded} -eq 0 ]; then
              COMPRESS_BY_DATE() # Function documentation located at bottom.         #
              { [ ."${AWK}" = . ] && { { [ -x /usr/bin/nawk ] && AWK=/usr/bin/nawk; } \
                                  ||   { [ -x /bin/gawk     ] && AWK=/bin/gawk    ; } \
                                  ||   { [ -x /usr/bin/awk  ] && AWK=/usr/bin/awk ; }; }

                if [ .${SHLIB} = . ]; then SHLIB=/usr/local/scripts; export SHLIB; fi
                if [ .${SHBIN} = . ]; then SHBIN=/usr/local/bin;     export SHBIN; fi

                . $SHLIB/email_msg.sh # Calls $SHLIB/exit.sh

                # If the following variables are not set, use these as defaults. #
                : ${id_num=`id|sed 's/^\(uid=\)\([0-9]*\)\(.*\)/\2/'`}
                : ${id_hex=`echo "obase=16;$id_num"|bc`}
                : ${script_name:=`basename $0`}
                : ${name_root:=`echo $script_name|$AWK '{sub(/^\.+/,"");sub(/\..*/,"");print}'`}
                : ${tmp:=/var/tmp}
                : ${sp:="                    "}
                : ${yymmddhhmiss:=`date '+%y''%m%d%H''%M''%S'`}
                : ${Xtimestamp:=`echo "obase=16;$yymmddhhmiss+$$"|bc`}


                # Must have either dateplus (compiled C executable) or dateplus.awk. #
                if [ ".$dateplus" = "." ]; then
                   if [ -x $SHBIN/dateplus ]; then
                   elif [ -f $SHLIB/dateplus.awk ]; then
                      dateplus="$AWK -f $SHLIB/dateplus.awk -- "
                      EMAIL_MSG "ERROR: $CBD_ID"                          \
                        "Unable to locate $SHBIN/dateplus (C executable)" \
                        "${sp}or $SHLIB/dateplus(.awk)* !"                \
                        "${sp}Skipping file compress today ;-)."          \
                        "${sp}$CPD_ID terminated."
                      return 1

                if [ ."$log" = . ]; then
                   [ ."$teelog" = . ] && teelog="cat"

                echo "`date '+%Y-%m-%d %T'` $CBD_name $@" | $teelog

                # Parse this function's options. #
                CBD_opt_S=0 # Sudo
                CBD_opt_T=0 # Test
                CBD_opt_f=0 # Date/sort field
                CBD_opt_l=0 # Length date/sort field
                CBD_opt_n=0 # No sort
                CBD_opt_t=0 # Separator char
                CBD_opt_v=0 # Verbose
                CBD_opt_w=0 # Debug or double-Verbose
                CBD_fld_len=6 # Default

                while getopts STvwsnf:l:t: CBD_opt 2>> $CBD_err
                   case $CBD_opt in
                     S ) CBD_opt_S=1
                     T ) CBD_opt_T=1
                     v ) CBD_opt_v=1
                     w ) CBD_opt_w=1
                     s ) CBD_opt_s=1
                     n ) CBD_opt_n=1
                     f ) CBD_opt_f=1
                     l ) CBD_opt_l=1
                     t ) CBD_opt_t=1
                    \? ) echo "$CBD_ID" \
                           "Invalid option: -`sed 's/^.*-- //' $CBD_err`" 1>&2
                     * ) ;;
                # Shift past options to remaining arguments. #
                [ $CBD_option -ne 0 ] && shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`

                [ ."$CBD_root" != . ] && \rm -f $CBD_root* > /dev/null 2>&1

                # Must reset this dog if this function is apt to be called again #
                OPTIND=1    # (try and find this fact documented anywhere else). #

                # Validate option and 'n' and 'file_root' arguments.       #
                # Nawk returns nonzero on failure or zero if all is well.  #
                CBD_error_txt=`$AWK -v sp="$sp"             \
                                    -v CBD_ID="$CBD_ID"     \
                                    -v CBD_name="$CBD_name" \
                                    -v opt_f=$CBD_opt_f     \
                                    -v opt_l=$CBD_opt_l     \
                                    -v opt_t=$CBD_opt_t     \
                                    -v len=$CBD_fld_len     \
                                    -v char=$CBD_sep_char   \
                                    -v field=$CBD_field_n   \
                  'BEGIN \
                     if (ARGV[2] == "")
                       exit_usage(CBD_ID": Insufficient args.")
                     else if (! match(ARGV[1],/^[0-9]+$/))
                       exit_usage(CBD_ID": Non-numeric keep days number ("ARGV[1]").")
                     else if (opt_l == 1 && (! match(len,/^[0-9]+$/)))
                       exit_usage(CBD_ID": Non-numeric field length ("opt_l").\n")
                     else if (opt_t == 1 && char == "")
                       msg="Separator option (-t) supplied without its"
                       msg=msg"\n"sp"corresponding field separator character.\n"
                       exit_usage(CBD_ID": "msg)
                     else if (! (field=="last"||match(field,/^[0-9]+$/)))
                       exit_usage(CBD_ID": Non-numeric field number ("field").\n")
                     else if (field == 0)
                       msg="Invalid field number, "field" (must be greater than zero).\n"
                       exit_usage(CBD_ID": "msg)
                     exit 0
                   } # E.O.BEGIN

                   function exit_usage(MSG)
                     print sp""MSG,"\n"sp,"Usage: "CBD_name                    ,
                       "-STvw -n -f field -l len -t char nn file_root\n"       ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"-S = Use sudo to compress files.\n"           ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"-T = Test only, compress nothing--simply"     ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"       pretend we are."                       ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"-v = Verbose.\n"                              ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"-w = Debug or Double-Verbose.\n"              ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"-s = Follow symbolic links.\n"                ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"-n = Do NOT sort the fileids being compressed",
                       "\n"sp,sp"       (sort is primarily for readability).\n",
                       "\n"sp,sp"-f = Field specified the test/sort field"     ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"       -- defaults to the last field.\n"      ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"-l = Specifies the field length (6|8)"        ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"       --default is 6 (for yymmdd).\n"        ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"-t = Specifies separation character, char"    ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"       --defaults to a period.\n"             ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"nn = Number of days we keep"                  ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"       --compress files older than \047n\047 days.\n",
                       "\n"sp,sp"file_root = Fully-qualified fileid"           ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"       --up to the numeric sort data"         ,
                       "\n"sp,sp"         (e.g. \047$HOME/logs/daily_log\047)."
                     exit 1
                   }' "$1" "$2" 2>&1` # $1 is our target file_root argument.

                # Test the returns status and fuss at the user if it is nonzero. #
                if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                   EMAIL_MSG "ERROR: $CBD_ID"            \
                     "$CBD_error_txt"                    \
                     "${sp}Skipping compress today ;-)." \
                     "${sp}$script_name (PID=$$) continues."
                   return 1

                # Passed validation tests OK, now get about our business.  #
                CBD_yyyymmdd=`$dateplus -$1`
                CBD_dir=`dirname "$2"`
                [ $CBD_dir = "." ] && CBD_dir=`pwd`
                CBD_file=`basename "$2"`

                # Isolate the desired (possibly default) 8-digit numeric date  #
                # field in each line (sort_key) that follows $CBD_sep_char and #
                # use that field (as a sort key).  Prefix it to the line, then #
                # sort that new composite by that prefix (sort -inr -k 1,1).   #
                # Finally, use nawk to remove the prefix (sub(/^.* +/,"")) and #
                # print the original (now sorted) lines.  Whew!                #
                [ $CBD_opt_v -gt 0 ]                                               \
                  && echo "${sp}find $CBD_dir -type f -name \"$CBD_file*\" -print" \
                   | $teelog

                find $CBD_dir -type f -name "$CBD_file*" -print 2> /dev/null \
                   | $AWK -F$CBD_sep_char -v sp="$sp"                        \
                                          -v nosort=$CBD_opt_n               \
                                          -v dir=$CBD_dir                    \
                                          -v field=$CBD_field_n              \
                                          -v len=$CBD_fld_len                \
                                          -v yyyymmdd=$CBD_yyyymmdd          \
                                          -v verbose=$CBD_opt_v              \
                                          -v debug=$CBD_opt_w                \
                                          -v opt_S=$CBD_opt_S                \
                                          -v opt_T=$CBD_opt_T                \
                   'BEGIN \
                    { #-------------------------------------------------#
                      # Build sort key ([0-9]) that handles len digits. #
                      if (len == "") len = 6 # Assign default len if omitted

                      for (i = 1; i <= len; i++)

                      sort_field = field
                      i = 0 # Initialize before Action section

                      # Truncate yyyymmdd to yymmdd if len value = 6.   #
                      if (len < 8) yyyymmdd=substr(yyyymmdd,3,len)

                      status=system("test -f "gzip)
                      if (status == 0)
                        pr_cmp_prog = cmp_prog = gzip
                        gzip="/usr/bin/gzip" # As of Solaris 2.9
                        status=system("test -f "gzip)
                        if (status == 0)
                          pr_cmp_prog = cmp_prog = gzip
                          pr_cmp_prog = cmp_prog = "compress"

                      if (opt_S == 1) # Prefix with "sudo"?
                        pr_cmp_prog = cmp_prog = "sudo "cmp_prog


                      if (debug) print "1. nosort     =|"nosort"|"      \
                                     "\n1. dir        =|"dir"|"         \
                                     "\n1. field      =|"field"|"       \
                                     "\n1. sort_field =|"sort_field"|"  \
                                     "\n1. sort_key   =|"sort_key"|"    \
                                     "\n1. len        =|"len"|"         \
                                     "\n1. yyyymmdd   =|"yyyymmdd"|"    \
                                     "\n1. opt_S      =|"opt_S"|"       \
                                     "\n1. opt_T      =|"opt_T"|"       \
                                     "\n1. cmp_prog   =|"cmp_prog"|"    \
                                     "\n1. pr_cmp_prog=|"pr_cmp_prog"|" | "cat 1>&2"
                    } # E.O. BEGIN ..

                    # Action section (MAIN) isolates the sort field, prefixing each #
                    # line with that key, and assigning it to line[] array.  The    #
                    # END section will sort the array by that key, compressing      #
                    # those files (via system call) that are older our target date. #
                    {                                 # Only if we are to sort on   #
                      if (sort_field == "last")       # the last field, do we check #
                        for (n = 1; n <= NF; n++)     # each field (first to last)  #
                          if (match($n,sort_key))     # to get last suitable field  #
                            field=n                   # (prevents a .Z from hosing  #
                                                      # up this entire process).    #
                      file_line = $0                  #-----------------------------#
                      if (debug) print "1. file_line =|"file_line"|"  | "cat 1>&2"

                      # If field is still "last", then change "last" into NF.     #
                      if (field == "last") field == NF
                      if (debug) print "2. field     =|"field"|"      | "cat 1>&2"

                      # Ensure that we, indeed, have a sort field somewhere in    #
                      # the line (fileid).                                        #
                      if (! match($0,sort_key))
                        if (verbose)
                          print sp"Skipping "$0".  No "len"-digit numeric sort key."

                      if (match($0,/\.zip$/))
                        print sp"Skipping "$0" (zipped file)."

                      # Following basename and dirname assignments and "sub()s"   #
                      # isolate those variables from each fileid.  The test       #
                      # following that, restricts processing to only those files  #
                      # found in the target directory (excludes subdirectories).  #
                      dirname = basename = $0
                      if (debug) print "1. dirname   =|"dirname"|"    | "cat 1>&2"
                      sub(/^.*\//,    "",basename)
                      if (debug) print "1. basename  =|"basename"|"   | "cat 1>&2"
                      if (debug) print "2. dirname   =|"dirname"|"    | "cat 1>&2"
                      if (debug) print "2. basename  =|"basename"|"   | "cat 1>&2"
                      if (dirname == dir)
                        filename = basename
                        if (debug) print "2. sort_key  =|"sort_key"|" | "cat 1>&2"
                        if (debug) print "3. filename  =|"filename"|" | "cat 1>&2"
                        gsub(/^.*\(++/, "",filename)  # Strip all before date field
                        if (debug) print "4. filename  =|"filename"|" | "cat 1>&2"
                        gsub(/\)++.*$/, "",filename)  # and everything after it, then
                        if (debug) print "5. filename  =|"filename"|" | "cat 1>&2"
                        $field=substr(filename,1,len) # substring it to length.
                        if (debug) print "5. $field    =|"$field"|"   | "cat 1>&2"
                        if (! match($field,"^"sort_key"*$"))
                          i = 0  # Reset so nothing is sorted and compressed in the
                          exit 1 # END section (exit breaks to the END section).
                        # Only put those in the array that we want to compress. #
                        if (substr($field,1,len) < yyyymmdd)
                          line[++i]=$field" "file_line # Prefix line with sort key

                      } # if (dirname == dir)
                    } # E.O.Action section

                    END \
                    { if (i == 0) exit
                      # If we are really compressing files, we probably do    #
                      # not have to sort them (since sorting is slow).        #
                      # However, since "find" does not present its output in  #
                      # order, sorting does improve output readability.       #
                      # ----------------------------------------------------- #
                      # Sort line[] array (built in the preceding action      #
                      # section) in descending order by the first 8+ digits). #
                      if (nosort == 0)
                        yes = 1; no = 0; swap = no

                        for (cursor = 1; cursor < i; cursor++)
                          lowest = cursor

                          for (n=cursor+1; n <= i ; n++)
                            if (substr(line[lowest],1,len) < substr(line[n],1,len))
                              lowest = n

                          # Only if we find a lower value do we swap. #
                          if (lowest != cursor)
                            temp         = line[cursor]
                            line[cursor] = line[lowest]
                            line[lowest] = temp
                        } # for (cursor = 1 ; cursor < i ; cursor++)
                      } # if (sort_opt == 1)

                      # Compress every element in line[] array.             #
                      for (n=1 ; n <= i ; n++)
                        if (verbose) print sp""line[n]
                        sub(/^.* +/,"", line[n]) # Remove sort key,
                        # Only if the dog exists, do we try to compress it. #
                        status=system("test -f "line[n])
                        close( system("test -f "line[n]))
                        if (status != 0) continue

                        if (match(line[n], /\.(Z|gz)$/)) continue # Skip this dog.

                        print sp""pr_cmp_prog"ing "line[n]   # Inform the user
                        if (! opt_T)                         # and if NOT a test,
                        {                                    # then go ahead and
                          status=system(cmp_prog" -f "line[n]" 2> /dev/null")
                          close( system(cmp_prog" -f "line[n]" 2> /dev/null"))
                          if (status != 0)
                          { #-------------------------------------------------#
                            # On error, fuss at the user but keep on truckin. #
                            print sp""cmp_prog" ERROR: "line[n]"!" | "cat 1>&2"
                            print sp""cmp_prog" ERROR: "line[n]"!"
                      } # for (n=1 ; n <= i ; n++)
                    } # E.O. END ..
                    function print_err_msg() # Globals: len
                      print sp"Nothing compressed. No "len"-digit numeric key",
                            "in sort target fileid!",
                            "\n"sp"Use \047-f\047 option to specify a different",
                            "sort field",
                            "\n"sp"or \047-l\047 option to specify a different",
                            "sort field length." | "cat 1>&2"
                    }' | $teelog

                if [ $CBD_status -ne 0 ]; then
                   EMAIL_MSG "ERROR: $CBD_ID"                           \
                     "${sp}Problem compressing $2.  Check out the log." \
                     "${sp}Skipping file compression today."            \
                     "${sp}$script_name ($$) continues."

                return $CBD_status
              } # "CBD_" prefix identifies this function's variables

              #                       D O C U M E N T A T I O N                      #
              #                                                                      #
              #      Author: Bob Orlando                                             #
              #                                                                      #
              #        Date: July 25, 2001                                           #
              #                                                                      #
              #  Program ID: compress_by_date.sh                                     #
              #                                                                      #
              #       Usage: COMPRESS_BY_DATE -STvw -s -n -l 6|8 -f field -t char \  #
              #                               nn file_root                           #
              #                                                                      #
              #                        -S = Use sudo to compress files.              #
              #                                                                      #
              #                        -T = Test only, compress nothing--simply      #
              #                               pretend we are.                        #
              #                                                                      #
              #                        -v = Verbose.                                 #
              #                                                                      #
              #                        -w = Debug or Double-Verbose.                 #
              #                                                                      #
              #                        -s = Follow symbolic links.                   #
              #                                                                      #
              #                        -n = Do NOT sort the fileids being compressed #
              #                               (sort is primarily for readability).   #
              #                                                                      #
              #                        -f = Field specified the test/sort field      #
              #                               -- defaults to the last field.         #
              #                                                                      #
              #                        -l = specifies the sort field length, len     #
              #                               -- default is 6 (for yymmdd).          #
              #                                                                      #
              #                        -t = Specifies separation character, char     #
              #                               -- defaults to a period.               #
              #                                                                      #
              #                        nn = Number of days we keep                   #
              #                               -- compress files older than 'n' days. #
              #                                                                      #
              #                 file_root = Fully-qualified fileid                   #
              #                               -- up to the numeric sort data         #
              #                                  (e.g. "$HOME/logs/daily_log").      #
              #                                                                      #
              #     Purpose: Compress files having yymmdd or yyyymmdd date strings   #
              #              in their fileids that are older than a date nn days     #
              #              old.                                                    #
              #                                                                      #
              # Description: Borrowing from REMOVE_BY_DATE and PRUNE_FILES, this     #
              #              function requires that the files to be compressed have  #
              #              either yymmdd or yyyymmdd date string in their fileids. #
              #              This is critical because we compress these files by     #
              #              sorting the most recent files to the top of our list    #
              #              and compressing those with date stamps older that a     #
              #              date from is nn days back.                              #
              #                                                                      #
              #              The ability to specify a field on which to key is       #
              #              useful because files may have other numeric strings     #
              #              in their fileids, or they may have multiple date        #
              #              strings (e.g. a "data" date and a process date --       #
              #              'deletes.000101_000401' -- data dated January 1,        #
              #              but processed/created on April 1).                      #
              #                                                                      #
              #    Examples: Assume the following files have two periods and two     #
              #              underscores which result in three fields each).         #
              #                                                                      #
              #                     +----------+------------ Underscores             #
              #                     |      +-- | -----+----- Periods                 #
              #                     |      |   |      |                              #
              #                     v      v   v      v                              #
              #                 test_010101.out_010120.10                            #
              #                 test_010102.out_010119.11                            #
              #                 test_010103.out_010118.12                            #
              #                 test_010104.out_010117.13                            #
              #                 test_010105.out_010116.14                            #
              #                 test_010106.out_010115.15                            #
              #                 test_010107.out_010114.16                            #
              #                 test_010108.out_010113.17                            #
              #                 test_010109.out_010112.18                            #
              #                 test_010110.out_010111.19                            #
              #                                                                      #
              #                 Using the first line, our period-delimited fields    #
              #                 are:                                                 #
              #                       f1 = test_010101                               #
              #                       f2 = out_010120                                #
              #                       f3 = 10    -- has no 6|8-digit (date) string.  #
              #                                                                      #
              #                 Using the first line, unserscore-delimited fields    #
              #                 are:                                                 #
              #                       f1 = test  -- has no 6|8-digit (date) string.  #
              #                       f2 = 010101.out                                #
              #                       f3 = 010120.10                                 #
              #                                                                      #
              #              1. Compresses files based on the last 6-digit (date-    #
              #                 -like), period-delimited field.  Example 'a' uses    #
              #                 both defaults.  Example 'b' uses '-f2' (which is     #
              #                 the last period-delimited field containing a         #
              #                 datelike numeric string--keeping 7 days).            #
              #                                                                      #
              #                 a. COMPRESS_BY_DATE         7 test_01                #
              #                 b. COMPRESS_BY_DATE -t. -f2 7 test_01                #
              #                                                                      #
              #                    Compressing test_010108.out_010113.17             #
              #                    Compressing test_010109.out_010112.18             #
              #                    Compressing test_010110.out_010111.19             #
              #                                                                      #
              #              2. Compresses files based on the last 8-digit (date-    #
              #                 -like), period-delimited field.  Example 'a' uses    #
              #                 the default field delimiter (.), but requests first  #
              #                 field (-f1).  Example 'b' is functionally identical. #
              #                                                                      #
              #                 a. COMPRESS_BY_DATE     -f1 5 test_01                #
              #                 b. COMPRESS_BY_DATE -t. -f1 5 test_01                #
              #                                                                      #
              #                    Compressing test_010105.out_010116.14             #
              #                    Compressing test_010104.out_010117.13             #
              #                    Compressing test_010103.out_010118.12             #
              #                    Compressing test_010102.out_010119.11             #
              #                    Compressing test_010101.out_010120.10             #
              #                                                                      #
              #              3. Assuming we have 8-digit dates in our fileids, we    #
              #                 compresses files based on the last 8-digit (date-    #
              #                 -like), underscore-delimited field.  Example uses    #
              #                 '-t_' to specify an underscore as the field          #
              #                 delimiter (it can be any character).  The last       #
              #                 field is the default.                                #
              #                                                                      #
              #                 COMPRESS_BY_DATE -l 8 -t_ 8 test_2001                #
              #                                                                      #
              #                    Compressing test_20010109.out_20010112.18         #
              #                    Compressing test_20010110.out_20010111.19         #
              #                                                                      #
              #              4. This example shows a common error as it attempts to  #
              #                 Compress files from the first underscore-delimited   #
              #                 field.  (The 'test_' portion of the line is the      #
              #                 the first underscore-delimited field.  The user      #
              #                 should have specified -f2 (indicating the 2nd field) #
              #                 to isolate the date following 'test_' and before     #
              #                 '.out_19...'.)  Since the first field has no date    #
              #                 string, the following error message is printed.      #
              #                                                                      #
              #                 COMPRESS_BY_DATE -t_ -f1 5 test_01                   #
              #                                                                      #
              #                    No date string in field 1!                        #
              #                    Nothing compressed.                               #
              #                                                                      #
              #     Globals: No global variables assigned from this function.        #
              #              "CBD_" prefix identifies local function variables.      #
              #                                                                      #
              #       Calls: EMAIL_MSG and EXIT library functions, and dateplus.     #
              #                                                                      #
              # Exit_status: 0 = Success                                             #
              #              1 = Any failure                                         #
              #                                                                      #
              #              Exits with failure (1) on severe error (e.g. user       #
              #              provides insufficient or invalid arguments).            #
              #                                                                      #
              #       Notes: ......................................................  #
              #              ......................................................  #
              #                                                                      #
              #    Modified: 2006-06-06 Bob Orlando                                  #
              #                 v1.16 * Add sudo (-S), test (-T), and debug (-w)     #
              #                         options.  (Test compresses nothing--it just  #
              #                         shows what it WOULD compress.)               #
              #                                                                      #
Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
©Copyright Bob Orlando, 1996-2011
All rights reserved.
E-mail: Bob@OrlandoKuntao.com
Last update: Jan. 26, 2011
by Bob Orlando